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Monday, January 2, 2012

Tid Bits from Egypt

Egypt was truly amazing and nothing like I have ever experienced.  I came away from there truly appreciative for all my own blessings and also appreciative for the Egyptian people and their outlook on life.

Here are a few pictures that didn't really fit into any post but gives you more of an idea of how it is.

This is the normal transportation in Egypt.  There are a few newer cars scattered around here and there but mainly they are really really old.  Our EPA would have a field day there I tell you.
Not only are there old cars but old fashion types of living mixed right in with the new.
Even in the third world you can still find beauty and the people are even happier than the ones who live in mansions.
Apparently with my blonde hair, fair skin, and blue eyes the people found me to be some sort of celebrity.  These girls passed me then called out to Mustafa in Arabic and asked him if he would ask me to take a pic with them. LOL
They still use REAL keys for everything!
Dogs are considered filthy animals and the people don't touch them but cats on the other hand are ok.  SO there are cats EVERY WHERE in Egypt.  Mostly wild but still hang out around the streets, in front of shops and cafes, and pretty much anywhere else too.

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