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Wednesday, January 18, 2012

A Saturday with Averie

Saturday, after my gardening seminar I went to pick up Averie. We had a few hours to kill before the movie so she wanted to eat at Burger King because, of course, all she eats is chicken and they have the best. LOL After 6 nuggets and a bag of apples we headed out to Sulphur Springs. I figured since we had time to kill I would take her to the park called Kid’s Kingdom. I remember going to the park when I was little when it was new and it is a kingdom for kids. I remember being in awe of how awesome and fun it was. It felt like we played for hours and never came across the same section. Now, it seems average and after a few times of chasing Averie around we had covered all the grounds. LOL She didn’t know that though and to her she was in heaven. We ran away from monsters and did the monkey bars more than our fair share. LOL

Cutest monkey around :)

She loved sliding down the pole. ;) We better watch this one. LOLOLOLOL I know so inappropriate!

After a couple hours of that we it was time for the movie so we headed over to the theater. The movie wasn’t as crowded as I thought but it was nice and really cool watching it in 3D. She really enjoyed the movie and looked really cool in her glasses. J The movie relaxed us both and when I left there around 4:30 I could have REALLY gone for a nap. BUT that didn’t happen instead we ran by my moms house to grab Averie a few things since we were having a slumber party that night.

Once we got to the house she wanted to make sugar cookies and frost them but I wasn’t up for the mess so instead we made chocolate chip. After cookies and pizza for supper it was bubble bath time. She got herself all clean just in time for a night filled with nail painting and movie watching.
Shanna came and picked her up around 10:30 Sunday morning. We had a great time but I’m glad I don’t do those types of trips every week, they wear me out.

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