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Sunday, January 29, 2012

My First Garden

Good Sunday morning, I am up and going at 8:30 this morning and have several things that I want to do around the house but over all I think its going to be an all day pajama day.  LOL  It's been a while since I've had one of those.  Yesterday was a different story and my main goal was to get my garden area fenced off and tilled up so it's ready for me to plant things when that time comes.  I am happy to report that is exactly what happened and this morning I potted my seeds to get them started.  I have always wanted a garden and now that I am home for good have some space to do it....I thought why not?  I am really excited to get it going and I just hope and pray that its a success.

I have all my plants started as seedlings, as of this morning, except my really summery ones like watermelon and musk melon.  I plan on growing okra, squash, zucchini, tomatoes, sweet red peppers, jalapenos, cayenne peppers, onion, and cucumber.  Not a whole lot of things but to me I already am feeling skeptical like maybe I got in over my head. LOL 

I really felt like that after I saw the finished garden space.  I was like hhmmmm I hope I can handle all of this.  My Dad & Patricia came over to help me fix it up. 

I found the spot I wanted to put it. On the East side of my house.

Dad getting the boundary set and I drove the post.

Used chicken wire to keep all the critters out and I ran some just along the barbed wire fence as one side of it.  Here attaching the chicken wire to the post.

Dad taking a break
securing more wire to post and Hercules is intently watching so he can help the next go around. LOL

Rigging up a board that I'm gonna use for part of my gate
Got our gate installed and now finishing the wire attachment

Dad was tired since he did almost ALL the tilling so I got in and made some rows.  That is HARD work.  Don't be fooled!
YAY I am so glad that this task got accomplished this weekend and now I'm on my way to being Ouiser Boudreaux. LOL  You know from Steel Magnolia's, one of the best movies of all time.  I'm like Ouiser in the fact that I don't like tomatoes but I'm growing them anyways because DUH that's what you do when you have a garden you grow tomatoes....among other things. :)

Happy Growing!

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