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Monday, September 20, 2010

Nightline Prime: Secrets of Your Mind

Thursday night I watched a show I had been seeing advertise on AFN called Secrets of Your Mind, why we are the way we are.  Pretty much it is an explanation of the way we are by our brains.  Thursday's theme was love and it was so cool and sad.  They show portrayed 3 different couples each a different story and the first story is something I would sssoooo do (if my partner didn't kill me).  The first couple were newlyweds when they traveled 20,000 miles on a motorcycle with a side car down a road that took 8 1/2 months.  The main deal is before and after each of them had a brain scan to see if they were in love, attached, or sexually attracted to each other.  Apparently your brain actually lights up in three different areas for each.  It was so interesting but also sort of weird.  I could go on and on but you just have to watch the show, next week is about killers and what is going on in their brains that make them the way they are. NOT that that is an excuse but it is very interesting and will help the general public understand other's trials not to mention make us wake up and realize how lucky most of us have it.  Check out the clip of whats to come...so cool. 

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