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Saturday, November 6, 2010

Favorite Road Trip Movies

My morning always consists of the same routine when I get to work. I do all my reports but one and get them sent out, sift through my work and personal emails, check my blog and read up on others that I follow and then checkout the celebrity and actual news.  Today one of the articles featured on Yahoo was the Top 10 Best Road Trip Movies.  I didn't quite like their entire selection but it gave me an idea of my own....to make my own top road trip movie list.  I only have a top 5 because there aren't really that many road trip movies that I would and could watch over and over but I think the movies that actually made the cut are definitely worth the time to watch.  I also follow a couple blogs that have recently featured road trip posts.  The first one is A Blue-Eyed Boy Met a Brown-Eyed Girl and Stephanie (the blog author) just posted about a girls road trip she took back in September.  This made me miss my own girlfriends and made me also want to hop in the car with them as soon as I get home to take a weekend road trip to no where in particular but anywhere will do. LOL  The next blog is solely based on trips, for now anyways, and it's authors are a newlywed couple who are taking a 6 MONTH HONEYMOON! First off can I say I am SSSOOOO jealous and that they are so lucky.  They are posting some great pictures of their trip and I look forward to seeing what they see through their cute blog.  You can find Mr. & Mrs. Globe Trot here

Anyways back to the movies that made the cut.

National Lampoons Vacation- Need I say more? LOL  This movie is a classic and I think depicts every family out there in one way or another.  I can't wait for Christmas time to share some of my favorite movies of the season. I have a feeling Chevy Chase will me showing his face again on that list as well. 

Smokey and the Bandit- The majority of the time when my brother, Colby, was in charge of the TV watching you better bet that if Smokey and the Bandit or the Dukes of Hazard were on TV we would be watching it.  He's 20 now and will be 21 in March and I think he still has the DVD in the player ready to go LOL.  Somethings never get old and I do have to say Smokey and the Bandit is probably my favorite old school road trip movie.  Maybe I can bribe my brothers over to my house when I get home for a little Smokey and the Bandit action. :)

The Hangover is more scavenger hunt than road trip but hey they do DRIVE to Vegas.  This movie is absolutely the most hilarious movie I have seen to-date.  You know something is funny when you can watch it over and over and still get tickled.  I love the brother with the beard and the satchel.  OMG! I think I might have to watch this tonight.

Wild Hogs is the equivalent to Thelma and Louise just man style I would say.  Yeah, there are differences but this is for sure a men's mid-life crisis movie and Thelma and Louise is well Thelma and Louise.  I think this movie was really cute and is pretty funny at times.

The Wizard of Oz- Now if Smokey and the Bandit was my brothers favorite and a must watch, then the Wizard of Oz was mine.  I love it even to this day and I haven't seen it in a while.  I think the next time I watch it it's going to be with the Pink Floyd Dark Side of the Moon CD playing through with it.  From what I hear it fits perfectly. The Wizard of Oz if for sure one of the Top 5 Road Trip movies of all time. 

What's your favorite road trip movie or even road trip that you have actually gone on?

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