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Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Ugly Sweater Get-Together

Thursday started for me around 4:30 AM!

I have really been wanting to have a small get together at the house with some of our friends and Christmas time seemed to be a great time. Note to self that Christmas time isn’t a great idea to throw in another event since this time of the year is jam packed with stuff already.  Anywho, I wanted to have it on a weekend so a few more of our friends could come but between all the Christmases and things that wasn’t possible so I settled for a Thursday night.

Everyone that came that day had to work on Thursday so we didn’t get going until around 7 but we had so much fun. Everyone was to wear an ugly/tacky Christmas sweater just for fun and so we could get some good pictures. I stayed up Wednesday night making mine and Lincoln’s sweaters LOL. I tried finding some at Goodwill but didn’t have any luck so I just settled to make them. I think they turned out perfect and we had so much fun.
The guys were great sports when it came to us dressing them in their sweaters.  Lincoln never complained and even wore it all night long. LOL I think he knew that not having it on was NOT an option.  Doesn't he look perfect?
We were twinkies!
When Lincoln got up early to go to work I got up and headed to my house (since we stayed in MP) to make chicken spaghetti and brownies for supper that night. By the time I got to work Thursday morning it felt like I had already completed a day’s worth of activities. WHEW!

After work I raced home to finish up some house cleaning and to make the frosting for our gingerbread graham cracker houses.

Easy frosting for houses use:
3 egg whites
5 cups of powdered sugar
Mix until the frosting has the consistency of peanut butter.

Kaylynn came early to help me and then the boys got home from work just in time. Lara wasn’t able to come so it was just Casey, Kaylynn, Mia, Lincoln, and my self. We got our bellies full on chicken spaghetti and took some awsome pictures then we got ready for the gingerbread graham cracker house building.

I suggested that these picutres be our Christmas card next year! LOL
We got all our supplies out and separated into our boy/girl teams and dug in. Graham crackers are VERY hard to work with when it comes to making them stand up and not break. LOL Luckily our icing was like cement and dried fast so that made it a bit easier. The boys were going all out with reindeer and things while we were just trying to get a basic shape going that we could decorate. In the end the girls won because the boys weren’t able to even decorate theirs since it caved in due to weight! LOL I’m not sure if they let us win or not but either way it was a lot of fun working on them and decorating but it isn’t something I would want to eat. I have a sweet tooth at times but that is WAY too much sugar for even my sweet tooth.

The boys in deep concentration building the foundation of their house.

 After we made our houses and half way cleaned up that mess it was time for the main event. Lincoln was totally amazed that in my 25 years I had never seen A Christmas Story. He loves the movie and watches it every year so this year was my induction into the club I guess. LOL Casey and Kaylynn also love the movie and they all can pretty much quote the entire thing. :) We got cozy with our Christmas sweaters and became mesmerized by the funnies in the movie. After it was over it was late and Kaylynn and gave in to sleep hours before LOL. We said our Merry Christmases and everyone headed home and us to bed.

All in all, the ugly sweater get together was a hit and I am thrilled that even though it was thrown together last minute we were still able to pull it off and enjoy the season with our friends.

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