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Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Tuesday's Travel To Do- Mr. & Mrs. Globe Trot

Ok so I have been super busy at work and a bit uninspired lately so this week I am going to leave you guys a link to go check out an adorable newlywed couple that is on a travel spree.  You can read all about their 6 month long honeymoon here.  They are about 2 or 3 months into it now and I love reading about all their adventures. 

I mean how awesome would it be to travel all over the world for 6 months with the one you love and experience so many new things.  I would love to do that. Heck I would love to just travel around the world for 6 months no matter who I'm with but with my significant other would be even more special!  I can't imagine all the fun they are having together and how much closer their bond is going to be after this.  Not to mention all the wonderful memories they are making. 

I love traveling and if you ever have a chance to do some you should never pass up the opportunity because it may never come around again.  I guess that little bit of advice can be used for any opportuinity not just a travel opportunity. Mia, my cousin, is planning on doing a study abroad program this summer and she has graciously invited ME!  I really hope I can go or just take a risk and do it no matter if I have to quit a job LOL.  I would so do it! Just as long as we stay away from the scooters or really any two wheeled type of transportation. ;) 

I am so glad my vacation is less than 3 weeks away :o because after reading about their travels I have the itch bad.  I hope Egypt is ready to scratch it. Hehehe  I can't believe that I am going to be visiting the pyramids and all sorts of other ancient awesomeness.

What's happened to me? I'm a wanderluster and I LOVE IT!

Don't forget to head over and check out Julia and Yuriy.


  1. Yep that travel bug can work its magic pretty quickly! Once it bites you get the itch to travel and it never stops! I sold everything I owned and moved to China to teach ESL when I was in my early 20’s. BEST thing I’ve ever done! If I didn’t fall in love and miss my dog like crazy I’m sure I would still be there to this day (7 years later).

    Egypt would be awesome!!!!!

    Kendra aka "Domestic Princess in Training"

  2. Hi Megan,

    Thank you for writing about us. We were considering going to Egypt but it turned out to be too much out of the way and we decided to save it until next time. Looks like you picked a good time to go in the off season. Hope you have an incredible trip and learn a lot!

  3. Egypt?! Crazy! Wanderlust is a dangerous thing...I know from experience. :)

  4. Well, the travel bug is fine, but I don't think much of your idea about quitting a job to go "abroad" for the summer. Leave it to your mother to poop on your party!! LOL I love you, Mom


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