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Wednesday, December 15, 2010

New 30 Day Blog Challenge- Day 26, 27, 28

Sorry I have been lazy and really tired lately so not very motivated to blog.  I have to catch up on 3 days of my blog challenge so here it goes.
Day 26- Something I'm Saving For
Well I have pretty much everything that I could want and for sure need (material thing anyways) so the only thing that I'm really saving for is more travel.  I can never travel enough and it takes a lot of money just to buy a plane ticket.  Once I move back home I still want to take AT LEAST one out of the country vacation a year so all my extra money will be going for my next great adventure. 

Day 27- My Worst Habit
My worst habit that I have always had is for sure picking my cuticles and the skin around my fingers.  I do it mainly because I'm bored and because I have really dry skin and don't use NEARLY enough lotion.  It is a bad habit and makes my fingers look ugly but not ugly enough to make me quit. LOL

Day 28- What's in Your Purse

Well at the time I don't carry a purse unless I am going on RR but at home when I am away from Iraq and acting normal I carry one and it holds everything from chapstick to my planner.  You know just the normal stuff nothing weird and crazy unfortunately.

Now I'm off to watch BBC have a happy humpday!

P.S. I only have 25 days left WWWOOOHHHHHOOOOOO!

1 comment:

  1. Amen! I agree that picking you fingers IS your worst habit. I sure wish you didn't do it. And that island is awesome! Can't wait for your time in the "sand box" to be up!! Love you, Mom


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