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Saturday, December 25, 2010

Movies & Metaphors

A few days ago I went to grab some movies I had been dying to see and I got the ones I wanted except for The Tourist, it was all sold out. I also grabbed a huge amount of candy and planned on popping around to Vin’s room for a visit and maybe a funny movie. After work I grabbed all my goodies and headed out.
Just look at all that sugary goodness.

A funny story….the other night I was talking to Vin on instant messenger and after we were done talking I told him I was off to bed and I would talk to him another day. He was like yeah ok I’m going to put up some Christmas lights in my room. I thought ok that’s cool. So while we were talking the other night before our movie he said oh let me turn on my Christmas lights. When he plugged them in and I saw the finished product I was a tad surprised. He bought a strand that was really long but only had about 20 bulbs on it. It’s just a little strip of lights that ended up stretching just across the wall maybe a foot. LOL It was hysterical and he was very disappointed. He was very excited to buy them at the PX and thought he was going to string them up all throughout his room and sit in the dark with only the glow of the lights. NOT what happened but they were still pretty.
After a visit we watched the latest Jackass 3D movie and it was hilarious. I headed on home afterwards because I was tired but once I got there I was wide awake and had to watch Black Swan. I had been waiting and waiting for the Hadgi shop to get it and I am so glad they had it. It was a bit on the dark side but it was so good and now I’m dying to go to the ballet and see a performance.

Another great movie that I bought and watched yesterday during work is Life as We Know It.
OMG! It was awesome!
First off I love Katherine Heigl and Josh Duhamel is HOT. Then they are so funny throughout the movie. Last it is so sweet and just amazing. I almost cried at my desk. It’s a great story and a great movie. If you haven’t seen it then I HIGHLY recommend that when it comes out you rent it.
On a different topic, I have heard a few hilarious metaphors lately and I have to share.

The other day I was leaving a conference meeting and a co-worker and I were having a conversation when he said that whatever we were talking about was like a (ready for it because after you read this there are going to be no more words….YES it’s that AWESOME) fart in a paper sack! LOL Is that not hilarious?!!!

Another one was said during one of me and Vin’s crazy conversations…. He said that someone was thick as two short planks! I died laughing I had never heard that before and I think now I’m going to start using the word thick (as in not so smart) just so I can use that phrase.

Anyways just thought I would share a few comical phrases and some great movie recommendations. Since the next week or so is going to mean a lot of relaxation for the most of you.
Not me unfortunately but what is very fortunate is that
before I go to Egypt. I received all my hotel information for the places I will be visiting in Egypt and I have to say I am very pleased and I can’t wait to see them in person especially since my first hotel is in walking distance of the pyramids.
 I can’t wait to walk like an Egyptian.

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