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Sunday, May 13, 2012

Happy Mother's Day

In honor of Mother's Day I figured that since now I am old enough to appreciate all those life lessons she taught me it was a good time to share.  Not only did Mother's Day bring on this post but also because my youngest brother is a teenager and now that I'm an adult I get to sit back and see him learn MOST of the same lessons as me and my other brother.  At that age I wouldn't have thought it funny for anyone but now knowing what I know I can sit back and have a nice little chuckle.

Things I've learned from mommy dearest:
  • Your reputation is everything and if you ever ruin it then it takes a LONG time to get it back if EVER.   I haven't learned this by loosing my reputation but she would always preach this when I had disappointed her or was hanging out with a crowd that wasn't acceptable and even though I haven't ever personally learned this lesson I know it's true because so many people do a few things while they are teens or in college and it plagues them for years to come.
  • It's better to tell the truth and get in a reasonable amount of trouble than lie and then your mom or parents know your lying and you get in A LOT OF TROUBLE.  This is one of those chuckling times that I learned the hard way when I was young and so did both my brothers.  A few months back my youngest brother did something my Mom told him not to do and lied for almost a week about it.  My Mom knew the truth the whole time and just let him sweat it out.  He's wwwwaaayyy ballsier than me.  First off I'm a terrible liar and second if I did "think" I got away with the lie I would have more than likely came clean a few hours later or the next day.
  • Trust must be earned and his hard to come by but once you have it it's everything.  Not only has my Mom taught me this as an adolescent but also reminded me of it countless times as an adult.  But there's nothing worse than doing something bad and behind her back and when she's talking to you about it she uses the whole..."I trusted you to make the right decision and now you've broken that trust and you're going to have to earn it back"  as a kid all you can think is SHIT!!!! You feel as big as an ant because those few words cut you down so much inside but ooohhh the effect the have.
  • If you ask for your Mom if a friend to spend the night in front of the friend it definitely is NOT going to happen because you put your Mom on the spot and once you get in the car or somewhere alone you are going to get it
  • After you clean your house really good and even go as far as to mop the floors....once they dry someone will spill or drop something on them and all your hard work will flash in front of your eyes and then without filter you will always say WELL SON OF A @$#%$ I JUST MOPPED
Even though I haven't got to use these I hope to be able to one day....I've learned from my Mom
  • How to be a good Mom
  • I will always put my kids and family first
  • I will get them stuff and do little things that are special with them even when I don't have the money to do it because they are your kids and I will bond with them and spend quality time with them
  • I will go without so my kids can have
  • I will fight for their happiness like it's my own
  • I will stand by them no matter what kind of mess they make of their lives and tell them it will get better
  • I will try to teach them patience
  • I will give smother them with hugs, kisses, and I love yous because they are special and just because
  • I will tell them what's on my mind even if it isn't what they want to here because they deserve honesty
All in all I have learned a lot from my Mom and this is only a small portion but as I have put myself on the spot I can't think of any more.  Everyone thinks their mom is the best but you know what my Mom is the BEST!

Mom were my mother growing up but we were close enough that you could be my friend and as an adult you are still my mother but also my best friend.  I can tell her anything, laugh, and cry on her shoulder and get in trouble all the same. I know I don't tell you enough Mom but I love you and your a great mother.  I never think that you have done wrong in raising me and I have never felt resentment or found fault in your decisions. 
Your the best and I hope you have a great day! 
See ya at lunch <3

FYI I didn't get you a card just a gift but I think a blog post is better than a card....


  1. I love you so much and I consider myself very lucky to have you as my daughter and best friend. I am very blessed!! I love you , Mom

  2. A girl I work with showed me this blog today and I thought you'd enjoy it! http://newtotheorleans.wordpress.com/


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