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Sunday, January 9, 2011

Hasta La Vista...Iraq

I am sitting at the travel center waiting on my bus to the airport on my last few hours in Iraq. 

Yesterday I finished up my work and said goodbye to all my friends.  I guess it really hasn't sunk in yet that I am leaving Iraq FOREVER!  It feels like I am just going out on RR and it's no big thing.  Maybe I would feel different if I was going directly home but instead I am headed for a great vacation in Egypt. 

I will let you know how I feel when I am sitting in Dubai after returning from Egypt waiting on my flight home.  I look back 2 1/2 years ago and look at the little girl who came to this country and then I look at myself now and see a woman getting on that plane.  I have grown so much and like I said in my farwell speech thingy on Saturday during the weekly staff meeting...I have really enjoyed my time here and I have learned so much not only professionaly but also personally.  I will close this chapter in my life truly changed forever and definitely for the better. 

I am off to walk like an Egyptian!


  1. Ohmygosh! I come over here to say hi after you left a sweet comment on my blog and I see you're not only in Iraq, but headed for EGYPT! Girl, your blog title about the journey is definitely fitting! I cant wait to read more! Be safe and keep blogging! :)

  2. You are one brave girl!! Have an amazing time!! xo

  3. I don't know if I can express how absolutely proud I am of you!! Not only, for the growth you've made the last 2 1/2 years, but I really admire your strength and how you have endured your life in Iraq among the adversities you've encountered. I love you so much! Can't wait til you're back home!! Mom

  4. Sounds like an amazing journey! :O


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