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Sunday, August 14, 2011

I'm Alive and Doing GREAT!!

Hello, I am alive and well not that you would be able to tell since I haven't been posting.... Anyways blogging is constantly on my mind so I am going to try to catch up and get going with this online scrapbook of mine.  I have been home now for about 6 1/2 months and WOW has the time flown.  So much has gone on.  I will try to do a brief catch up post now but I really want to get back into blogging the here and now. LOL  I have to post on Egypt and that is weighing heavily on me it's not that I don't want to do it but there is just so many pictures and typing involved.  But I promise now that I am done with summer school and have a break I will get on it.  So without further ado...I am back and ready to rock!!!

Catch up-

February- snow, went to PBR in Fort Worth with Matt and Heather

March- found job, made some awesome cookies with Avery, Mom's birthday, and added on to my back porch making a patio

April- nothing exciting here just work and a lot of play, started talking to a friend and anxious to see where it will go

May- Rangers game with Lincoln, Amber, and Mark

June- lake and summer fun....also Lincoln and me became an OFFICIAL couple LOL :) which I am thrilled about

July- celebrated the 4th, and started Summer 2 online classes

August- finished up summer school the first week and so far that's it

So those are the milestones so to speak over the past few months.  I promise I will be back on a regular basis from now on. 

1 comment:

  1. I always enjoyed reading your blog while you were in Iraq, but am glad your're back home too!! Look forward to more posts!

    P.S. You and Lincoln make a cute couple!
    Love, Mom


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