When I purchased my current home mid 2010 I was still living in Iraq but I knew I’d be coming home the coming year and I also knew that I didn’t want to stay in this house for more than 5 years or so. A couple reasons for this…1) because I wanted to hopefully and eventually settle down on some land where my dream home would be built and there I’d be forever 2) I didn’t want to have kids in this house because I would like my home to be with my husband and that be OUR home where the family begins. So in short this house was a way for me to plant shallow roots while transitioning back to the US while I found myself the love of the my life and just enjoyed living, working, and schooling over the next few years.
I’m 3 years in and I have been feeling the urge for a home change. I’ve worked hard at decorating and curating each room in and out exactly the way I want it…and since my house has been completely done for a year or so now I’m bored. LOL I came up with another “Grand Plan” and presented it to Hendrik….
I’m just going to sell my house for a profit, buy a little piece of land, and build a smaller home-y-er house closer to MV if possible but Winnsboro is still ok.
Well, my close friends and family have a way of bringing me back down to Earth…thank God they do or I’d be selling all my belongings to move into a shack that I call an Italian chateau!
That’s exactly what Hendrik did when I told him of my building plans…he asked me what I wanted to spend and then said ok well this and this and this and this…
all these things cost money so your X amount is really going to end up looking more like XXX so I don’t think this is a smart move!
Ok fine so maybe once reality set in and all the dots and Ts are added it would be a bit more than I thought.
Good thing I didn’t jump on that train, eh!
But look at the house I had picked out isn’t it so cute and homey?
On to the next plan…
I am still set on finding a new living arrangement at this point so I call my realtor and tell him that I’m not in any hurry but if anything comes up in a certain range then shoot it my way and if I really like it then we will go from there.
All the while I’m scouring all the real estate sites for anything that looks good. I have yet to find anything that is in the range I want and not white trash or needing a full gut and makeover which isn’t something I want to do!
Enter NEW, realistic, and fantastic plan
I’m de-cluttering first… mainly Peggy Sue who has been sitting for 6 months untouched is going up for sale. That was a “grand plan” that I really should have waited on because not only do I not have the time to do such projects at this point but I really don’t have the extra funds to put into this. She would be great to keep and do later on because it’s not like her little butt is costing me or harming anything right where it’s at but if I’m moving forward I need to dispose of her plus the extra cash never hurts. I would still love to do a project like this later on when I’m say…done with school , am a stay at home wife/mom, and have lots of time for crafts and fun projects! That my friends is not right now. I will soon be bringing her to the front of my yard, parking her by the road, and slapping on the freshly bought For Sale sign. (if you’re interested hit me up)
I met with a realtor this morning and he's going to work up some numbers on my house and I will be on my way to the next big thing....
You’re probably asking, Ok Megan that all sounds great but WHERE are you going to live?!!
Excellent point!
Now enter The Leaves!
These are high end gated apartments in Winnsboro and would be perfect for me while I figure out my next few steps in this road I’m traveling. They come in several different size varieties all well within my budget and not too much either so I don’t feel like I’m getting robbed. I have never lived in town or in apartments before but I think it would be a fun ride and as much as I am home these days it doesn’t make that much difference. I spend the majority of my time at Hendrik’s in MV and if I’m not there then I’m doing school at home or at school! I met with the apartment people earlier this week to take a tour and they are just as nice as I thought. ROOMY and nice!!!
Now this is only a tentative plan of what’s in my head this is in no way for sure happening and may not even materialize but having this big house right now is more of a stress and worry than a joy so I would rather just take a bit off my plate so I can focus more on things that are important right now!
Wish me luck!
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