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Monday, December 16, 2013


Today I turn 27!


I don’t feel older,

I’m not sad about my age,

I’m not in the place I dreamt I’d be at this age,

I’m happy,

I’m in love,

I have a great family,

I have great friends,

I have a fantastic job,

I have a passport that needs to be used,

I have a new cookbook to read,

I have school to finish,

I have so so so much to be thankful for,

I would never trade where I’m AT for where I thought I’d be!!! 

I’m so happy at this point in my life that I couldn’t imagine the 27 years that I’ve lived to go any other way other than the way it has because otherwise I’d never be where I’m at today.


My 27th year IS GOING TO BE THE BEST YEAR YET!!  I know this for a fact because I have a ton going on and a lot of changes in the making!  I can’t wait to see what it looks like at the end but looking at it from the beginning it looks pretty darn good.


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